Exploring the Limits of Vaccine Science: Discover What's Possible in this Video!

Thursday, 11 January 2024

Can modern medicine really create a vaccine for every disease? Don't miss this opportunity to expand your knowledge and explore the frontiers of medical science! 


Abstract Price for Jan Sobczak

Friday, 15 September 2023

We are delighted to extend our congratulations to Jan Sobczak, our PhD student, for winning the Abstract Prize at the Allergie Kongress for the poster titled (Prophylactic Vaccination against peanut allergy). This achievement is truly well-deserved, Jan. 

4th Edition of Innovations and State of the Art in Alzheimer’s & Dementia, ISAD 2023 in Barcelona

Thursday, 14 September 2023

Prof. Bachmann's attendance at the 4th Edition of Innovations and State of the Art in Alzheimer's & Dementia (ISAD) in Barcelona underscores the importance of this event in the field of neurology, specifically dedicated to Dementias and Alzheimer's disease. ISAD serves as a crucial platform for experts to disseminate the latest research and advancements in these areas.

Notably, Prof. Bachmann has been a pioneer in innovative vaccine development for Alzheimer's disease, employing virus-like particles as a promising approach. His work in this area holds significant potential in the ongoing efforts to find effective treatments and preventive measures for Alzheimer's, a pressing concern in aging populations worldwide.

Biotest Best Poster Award SSAI Annual Congress 2023

Friday, 25 August 2023

Congratulations to Zahra Gharailoo for her outstanding achievement in receiving Biotest Poster Award in Laboratory Diagnostic in SSAI Annual Meeting 2023 in Bern. 

BioLegend Best Presentation Award

Thursday, 6 July 2023

Congratulations to Dominik Rothen for his outstanding achievement in receiving BioLegend Best Presentation Award in WIRM 2023 conference.

SSAI Annual Congress 2023

Sunday, 14 May 2023

Bachmann lab is delighted to announce the opening of registration of 2023 Congress of the Swiss Society for Allergology and Immunology (SGAI-SSAI) which will take place on 24th and 25th August 2023 at EVENTfabrik Berne. Plenary lectures will be given by world leading immunologists: Prof. Dr. Tak Wah Mak and Prof. Dr. med. Reinhard Dummer. Several national and international pioneers of immunology and cancer research will present their findings in this lively event. Short communication sessions and poster tours will give a great opportunity for junior researchers. Join and register for an amazing experience. 


NIH award

Thursday, 11 May 2023

NIH Grant for a personalized, antigen-directed immunotherapy project

Congratulations to PD Dr. Mona Mohsen (MPI), Bachmann Lab, and her project partner Prof. Eva Sevick (PI, The University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston) for being awarded NIH grant (NIH parent R01) with the project: “Personalized, antigen-directed immunotherapy delivered to lymph nodes”


Department for BioMedical Research DBMR (unibe.ch)

Privatdozentin Habilitation Dr. Mona Mohsen

Wednesday, 16 November 2022

We would like to congratulate Dr. Mona Mohsen on her successful habilitation to Privatdozentin (PD) by the Faculty of Medicine at University of Bern. 

Ein Tag Als Chefin

Thursday, 10 November 2022

We had the pleasure to host (Ein Tag Als Chefin) as a part of the Nationaler Zukunftstag. 

Our PhD student won the best poster talk award in SSAI 2022, congratulations Anne-Cathrine Vogt

Wednesday, 14 September 2022

Congratulations Anne-Cathrine for your amazing achievements over the past few years. We wish you all the success in your research. 

Our PhD student, Simon Zinkhan won the best poster in Allergology at the SSAI meeting 2022

Tuesday, 13 September 2022

Congratulations to Simon Zinkhan for this achievement. 

Top Immunology Scientists in Switzerland

Tuesday, 26 July 2022

Prof. Martin Bachmann ranks the top 5th immunologist in Switzerland and Prof. Daniel E. Speiser is the top 9th. 

Congratulations our professors on this great achievment. 


Our PhD student, Anne Cathrine Vogt won The Best Presentation Award (Vaccines for COVID-19) at WIRM 2022

Thursday, 30 June 2022

Congratulations Anne Cathrine for your achievement.

«Wir möchten eine Krebstherapie entwickeln, die exakt auf die betroffene Person zugeschnitten ist»

Tuesday, 1 March 2022

Krebsforschung Schweiz (Swiss Cancer League) 

Die beiden Forschenden Prof. Martin Bachmann und Dr. Mona Mohsen von der Universität Bern untersuchen, wie Nanopartikel für die Behandlung von Krebs eingesetzt werden können.



Prof. Martin Bachmann receives honorary doctorate from University of Latvia

Friday, 1 October 2021

On 28th September 2021, Prof. Bachmann received honorary doctorate from University of Latvia for his outstanding collaboration and long term contribution to the Latvian Biomedical Research. We would like to congratulate Prof. Bachmann for this achievment. 

Our PhD student, Kevin Plattner won a poster prize for the best preclinical project

Tuesday, 10 November 2020

We would like to congratulate our PhD student; Kevin Plattner for wining a poster prize for the best preclinical project at the Day of Biomedical Research held on 4th November 2020 for the project entitled (Glycan-specific IgG anti-IgE autoantibodies contribute to protectivity against allergic diseases). 

Vaccine against PEANUT allergy

Tuesday, 26 May 2020

Kuhstallpille & Co - Der Allergiecode geknackt?

→ Watch the video 

Allergie gegen Katzen: Neue Impfung schaltet Allergen beim Haustier aus

Saturday, 18 April 2020

Katzen zählen zu den beliebtesten Haustieren in Deutschland. Doch rund jeder Zehnte hier hat eine Katzenallergie. Ein neuer Impfstoff fürs Tier soll die Bildung des allergieauslösenden Proteins verhindern. Schmusen ohne Reue?

→ Watch the video

Allergy Therapeutics Publishes Encouraging New Data for Peanut Allergy Vaccine Candidate in collaboration with University of Bern

Wednesday, 29 January 2020

Positive preclinical data package demonstrates positive safety and efficacy profile reducing systemic and local allergic symptoms in a peanut allergy model. Manufacturing scale-up for clinical studies to evaluate allergy vaccination using VLP (virus like particle) technology underway.

Professor Martin F. Bachmann, study investigator from The University of Bern, Switzerland and The Jenner Institute, University of Oxford, UK, said: “The impact of peanut allergy on patients, their families and health systems is significant with prevalence on the rise. While work to develop peanut allergy immunotherapies has been the focus of researchers’ attention for some time, these potential immunotherapies often require repeated and long-lasting exposure transdermally or orally, which can limit patient adherence and have been associated with dangerous systemic allergic reactions. The availability of a safe and effective short-course vaccine that provides long-term protection and induces a long-lasting protective immune response remains the ultimate goal for researchers in this field. This study indicates a paradigm shift by addressing peanut allergy via a vaccination concept instead of classic desensitisation and provides a strong proof of concept for such a vaccine. The important next step will be to confirm the effects seen here in patient trials.”

Diese zwei Methoden machen Katzenallergikern neue Hoffnung

Friday, 4 October 2019

Viele Katzenallergiker nehmen für ihr Haustier juckende Augen und Atemnot in Kauf. Unabhängig voneinander entwickeln nun zwei Unternehmen zwei verschiedene Methoden, um ihr Leid zu mindern. Sie setzen nicht am Menschen an - sondern an der Katze.

Hypo Pet AG– cat vaccine to relieve allergic reactions in humans

Friday, 16 August 2019

New HypoCat vaccine may stop humans having an allergic reaction to cats.

For more information read the following articles: Article 1 (bunte.de), Article 2 (nau.ch)

Impfung verspricht: Nie mehr Juckreiz

Monday, 3 September 2018

Schweizer Forscher testen einen Impfstoff gegen allergische Hautentzündungen beim Hund. Der neue Ansatz ist vielversprechend; bis die Impfung erhältlich ist, werden aber noch einige Jahre vergehen.

von Martina Frei (Tierwelt, 23.8.2018)

EACCI 2018

Monday, 11 June 2018

Microcrystalline Tyrosine (MCT), a promising depot-forming adjuvant for effective T cell response in VLP-based vaccines in melanoma murine models by Mohsen et al received Poster-Preis at EACCI!